And Forever Young...

In memory of our classmates who have passed away.
Let us not dwell on the circumstances of their passing but celebrate how they touched our lives.
Raymond Bard
Don Bedard
Machine Drafting

Cesar Quental
Machine Tool
Dana Zanavich
Machine Tool

25th Year Reunion CANCELLED!

November 26th, 2010 (Saturday Night)
7pm to 12:00am
Manor Inn, Plantsville, CT
1636 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike,
Plantsville, CT 06479
Phone: 860-628-9877

Follow Us Online

Kaynor Class of 1986 has a Facebook Fanpage. You will find all of the latest announcements on the fanpage for upcoming reunions as well as pictures from past events. The Class of 1986 yearbook can also be found there.